World Goju Ryu Karate Union (WGKU)

Welcome to all Respected Goju Ryu Masters to Join Goju Ryu Karate Union and handshake with this union and work together and developing strong Goju Athletes and big champions throughout the world, Welcome. Oss.
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Who we are?

About Union

Goju ryu karate union is the only authentic and traditional associated with Goju ryu karate schools around the world. It is a non political and non profitable association. The purpose of Goju ryu karate union is to edify true Goju ryu Karate to the community, to foster Goju ryu Karate students on an International level, to provide international standard Goju ryu training to instructors by world renowned Goju teachers, and provides support to the Goju ryu instructors to promote their students internationally. Goju ryu karate union covers all Instructor of Goju ryu Karate schools around the world and helps them to select and support contestants in National and International Karate Championships and events.

Gōjū-Ryū Karate


The origins of Gōjū-ryū (剛柔流) date back to Okinawa Island, at a time when there was only three styles of karate: Shuri-te, Tomari-te, and Naha-te. Over time, Shuri-te and Tomari-te would combine to form a single style of karate, known today as Shōrin-ryū (少林流), whereas Naha-te would go on to form the modern Gōjū-ryū style.

Naha-te was founded by Kanryō Higaonna (March 10th, 1853 – October, 1915). Originally studying Shuri-te, Higaonna ventured to Fuzhou, China, where he learnt Chinese martial arts for 13 years before returning to Okinawa in 1881. His style then became known as Naha-te.

In 1902, Higaonna began teaching Chōjun Miyagi (April 25th, 1888 – October 8th, 1953), who was 14 at the time. Miyagi studied Naha-te as Higaonna’s top student until his master’s death in 1915.


Goju Ryu Karate Union – GKU was founded on 1st May 2022 with advice and guidance of Hanshi Jaime Pereira,Portugal. The first founder member is S.SivaRaja at Chennai,Tamil Nadu,India.The GKU ambition is Welfare,Training and Promotional Activities for Goju Ryu Karate Masters and help the Karate Players to participate in International Events.